Jacksons vs AEG - Day 81 – September 18 2013 – Summary
Judge Yvette Palazuelos ruled that closing arguments and possibly verdict will take place in a much larger courtroom. The trial will move to the same courtroom where jury selection was done in order to accommodate whoever wants to see the proceedings live. The ruling came with objection of AEG’s attorneys who wanted to keep everything in the small courtroom the trial took place over last 5 months. During deliberation, the jurors will be partially sequestered. They will have special arrangements for arrival and departure. Jurors will have a room to eat lunch that doesn’t require them to mingle with anyone else. Judge said minimum of 3, up to 4 hours for closing for each side. Closing arguments to begin Monday at 10 am with plaintiffs. Closing for defense Tuesday at 10 am. Rebuttal on Wednesday — not sure how long Panish will take. Best envision to finish pre-instruction Friday by noon, closing Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, concluding instruction after rebuttal. Judge: After it’s done, staff and security will need 1 hour and 1/2 with the jurors prior to the commencement of deliberations. According to this plan, jury could get the case late Wednesday or Thursday of next week.Court staff gave jurors October calendar, they are to check it and bring back tomorrow.