There won't be any testimony on Monday October 10, 2011. It's Columbus Day and it's a federal holiday in USA.
Testimony will continue on Tuesday October 11, 2011. At that time they will continue to play the audio of Murray's interview with the LAPD Detectives. You can find the summary of the remaining portion of the interview below.
Murray mentions Michael probably having withdrawal symptoms to Propofol on June 25. He says that it can be either physical or psychological or mental.
In the hospital Murray talked to the detectives briefly and gave them his phone number.
Murray says he and emergency room doctor went into the room Katherine Jackson was waiting and told her that MJ had died. Murray says he stayed with her to console her and asked UCLA to bring in a psychologist to help Katherine. Murray then learns that children are in another room and decided to notify the children. Murray , Dileo and Michael Amir Williams and a social worker went into the room the children were and told them MJ was dead. Murray says the children were weeping and the stayed there to console them. Murray says Paris mentioned her unhappiness and said she didn't want to be an orphan. Dileo and Murray say that they will take care of her. Murray tells Paris that he tried her best to save Michael. They bring MJ's kids and Katherine together. Murray says he doesn't know how close they are.
The children want to see Michael, psychology team says it's a good idea and it would bring them closure. UCLA was prepping MJ's body for viewing. During this time Jermaine, Latoya and some cousins of MJ came to the hospital. They were briefed about what happened. Murray went into the room where the family was, family asked Murray if he knew why MJ died. Murray said no and recommended them to get an autopsy. MJ's body was ready for viewing and the children went to see MJ. Murray asked Katherine if she wanted to see MJ as well, she said no.
Murray talked with the bodyguards and asked them where would the children go. Bodyguards told him they can't go back to the house because it was on lock down. Murray talked with Randy Phillips, Frank Dileo and the bodyguards and asked if he can do anything. Murray says Jermaine as asked to make a announcement and they wanted Murray to review the press release. Murray says he added the cause and Jermaine edited the part that asked fans to respect their privacy to ask media to respect their privacy. Murray says he talked with Jermaine a little bit. Murray says then he was tired and let the hospital to go home.
Murray again mentions he talked to Detective Porche and gave him his phone number. Detectives mention that they called Murray several times but the calls went to voice mail. Murray's lawyer Pena says it was his advice to Murray to leave his phone off and wait for his lawyers to talk to detectives later.
Detectives ask if Murray knew MJ had any preexisting conditions. Murray says he treated MJ for pneumonia in 2008, fractured toe in 2008, upper respiratory issues multiple times over the years, lethargy and for callouses on his feet. Murray also treated fungal infection on MJ's feet. Murray says he gave MJ Lamisil and did a full blood work before to make sure that his liver was okay.
Chernoff asks detectives if there's any preliminary toxicology results and the detectives say they are not aware of it. Chernoff then asks Murray if he knew of other medications Michael might be taking. Murray says he heard that MJ was seeing Klein. Murray says around 3 weeks ago he hear MJ calling Jason Pheiffer and asking him if he can squeeze him to see Klein. Murray says he also saw pill bottles with Dr. Metzger's name on them. Murray says MJ doesn't disclose all the physicians that he's seeing.
Detectives list a number of medicines and ask Murray if he prescribed them and what are they used for. Murray explains Flomax and says that MJ has hard time urinating. Murray is surprised to find out that MJ had some sort of eye drops. Murray says that MJ had a very bad eyesight and he thought that MJ could be legally blind. Murray arranged for an appointment but MJ didn't go to see the eye doctor so Murray is surprised to hear about eye drops.
Murray says MJ's production team has told him that MJ's worst days was after he came from seeing Klein and MJ would be wasted and require 24 hours to recover. Detectives mention finding marijuana and Murray says that MJ denied it and surprised to find out MJ would be using stuff like that. Detective tells Murray it was old and rotten. Detectives ask about empty cigarette packs they found , Murray says he doesn't know if MJ smoke. Detectives ask if MJ packed his suitcases and Murray says he did. Murray mentions MJ using excessive cologne and could not understand why he would use that much and says it might be to dismiss any odor.
Detectives ask how many syringes Murray used and Murray replies 2. He says he would recap them and he would use medication and mix them with saline. Detectives asked Murray what he did with those syringes Murray say he would put them in his bag and put them into the cupboard. When detectives ask where those syringes are Murray tells them he left them at the house at the closet. Detectives ask which closet and Murray describes it to them. Murray says MJ showed him the cabinet and told him to put his stuff there.
Detectives ask for the keys to Murray's car so that they don't have to break into his car and damage it.
At the end of the recording Detectives ask if Murray ever gave MJ Demerol. Murray responds no. Detective Smith says they didn't find any and Detective Martines says he doesn't know how that came up.