
Murray Trial Day 3 - September 29, 2011

Morning Session

Alberto Alvarez (AA) Testimony

Prosecutor Walgren direct examination

Month of June. AA says that he worked for MJ in Carolwood. AA was director of logistics, he was part of the advance team. He made sure everything was okay before MJ arrived to a venue. 

AA worked for MJ on / off since 2004. AA was called to work for MJ December 2008 / January 2009. AA said it was a good full time job with a good salary. 

Security would be in the trailer outside he house, they will only go inside when requested. Two different security : Property security and personal security. Personal security were MAW, FM, AA, Isaac and Derek.

AA saw CM first after January 2009 in Carolwood. April/ May/ June AA saw CM 5-6 times a week. AA knew that CM was staying the night. AA was aware about the oxygen tanks. AA from time to time saw CM bringing empty oxygen tanks and take full ones. 

June 24th. After 5 PM they took MJ to rehearsals. AA made sure everything was in order in MJ green room (dressing room) such as arranging the room temperature, checked the venue for security. MJ came around 6:30 - 7:00PM. AA met MJ with golf cart and took him to his dressing room. MJ was very happy and in good spirits. AA was behind the stage. AA sometimes peeked to see his performance. AA believed his performance was good. After the rehearsal they did the same routine. MJ was still happy and in good spirits. They came to Carolwood. CM's car was already parked. MJ came home, they helped with the gifts. MJ said "goodnight".

After they unloaded the gifts, they secured the front door and went to the security trailer for debriefing. After they went to home and house security stayed. 

June 25th AA came to Carolwood at 10:15AM. He sat down in the trailer and waited for any specific instructions. He was in the security trailer around 12:15 PM.

Phone records. 4 phone calls between MAW and AA, those were attempts to reach each another. Another call from MAW to AA, they finally spoke. MAW asked where was AA, told him to get up and go to the front of the house without much commotion. MAW asked him if he was walking AA said yes, MAW told him to run. AA came to the front door and tried to open it but it was locked. Nanny came and unlocked the door. From the glass door AA saw nanny Rosalind ,Paris, Kai Chase and CM on the second floor. CM had both hands on the rail and was looking down.

AA told MAW he was in the house. MAW told him to run up the stairs. Prince was upstairs walking opposite direction of AA. 

Walgren shows pictures and layout of the house and asks AA to identify where CM was and identify the rooms. 

AA said he only went upstairs 2 times in 6 months he worked for MJ to let MJ's hairdresser. 

CM said to him "Alberto come quick", AA realized the situation was serious. AA hung up the phone call to MAW. AA followed CM into the room. 

AA saw CM giving chest comprehensions to MJ. MJ was in the bed. AA saw MJ lying on his back, his hands extended out to his sides with palms up, his eyes and mouth was open. His face was slightly towards the left. CM was using one hand (his left hand) giving MJ chest comprehensions. 

CM said to him they need to get him to a hospital. AA was walking towards the bed and reaching for his phone in his pocket. Prince and Paris followed him into the room, they were behind him. Paris screamed out "Daddy". Paris was crying. CM said "don't let them see their dad like this". AA ushered the children out the door and told them that everything will be okay and not to worry. 

When returned AA asked CM what happened. CM said "he had a bad reaction". AA was at the foot of the bed. 

AA saw some sort of a plastic device on his penis to collect urine. AA now knows that it was a condom catheter. AA did not see any monitoring equipment, no ventilation equipment. AA only saw a clear plastic tubing for Oxygen attached to MJ's nose. AA saw an IV stand. 

CM got some vials from the night stand and asked AA to put them in a bag. AA held out the bag and CM dropped the vials. CM told AA to place that plastic grocery bag to the brown bag. Then CM told AA to get the bag in the IV stand and put it in the blue bag. AA says there was a bottle in the saline bag. 

Walgren: "Why were you following these instructions?" AA " I believed CM had MJ's best intentions at mind, I didn't question his authority. I thought we were getting ready to go to the hospital". 

IV stand has 2 hooks. One hook had a saline bag, CM didn't ask AA to remove that one. AA was only asked to remove the saline bag with the bottle. AA saw milky white substance at the bottom of the saline bag. 

Walgren shows the saline bag pictures to AA. The bad has a cut, AA says he didn't see the cut on june 25th. Walgren shows the cut to the jurors. Walgren then shows empty 100ml Propofol bottle. Walgren replaces the bottle in the saline bag through the slit shows it to AA and the jurors.

Mid morning break

AA says all these events happened very quickly. AA says he was obeying CM's instructions. 

911 call is played in court. Alberto visibly upset and looks like about to cry when listening to the call. 

AA and CM moved MJ from bed to the floor. AA saw a clear plastic tube coming from the bag on the IV coming to MJ's leg. CM removed it when they moved MJ. CM took pulse oximeter from a bag and clipped it to MJ's finger. 

AA says a few days to a week before June 25th, CM asked the securities for AAA batteries. AA saw CM holding the device, AA had asked him what it was and CM said it was like a heart monitor.

FM arrived to the room. AA said "It's not looking good". CM asked if anyone knew CPR. AA and FM looked to each other. AA went to assist CM doing CPR. AA started doing chest comprehensions with two hands. AA knew CPR before that day, he learned it when he was a swimmer. CM was giving mouth to mouth. CM said "this is the first time I do mouth to mouth. but I have to because he's my friend". AA continued chest comprehensions. Paramedics arrived soon after and took over. AA says there was no indication that MJ was alive. 

Paramedics moved MJ from the side of the bed to the foot of the bed. AA went downstars twice; to check on the childern and to meet MAW. When paramedics were bringing MJ down, AA was trying to distract MJ's kids so they wouldn't see their father like that. 

At UCLA AA begged to paparrazzi to leave them alone saying it was a private moment, shielded MJ when going in, waited in the hospital. CM came to AA to thank for help, AA said "we did our best". At that moment AA didn't suspect that CM did anything wrong. CM first said he was hungry and asked if someone could take him home. AA didn't answer, CM then asked it to MAW. AA last saw CM outside the emergency room saying "I wanted him to make it".

AA and other security drove off after the announcement and MJ was taken to the coroners. They went to Carolwood, police was there. They stayed outside of the house while talking to the detectives. AA was asked to bring children's dog Kenya to Hayvenhurst.

20-30 times media approached to AA to give interviews and was offered money. Media have offerred him $200,000 to $500,000, AA said no. AA says this event was negative for his life. He went from a full time great wage job to bad financial position. AA says he's totally wiped financially. AA said he had been honest with the police to best of his ability. 

Defense cross examination by Chernoff

AA draw the IV bad picture after the preliminary hearing. Defense shows another drawing done for the police. AA doesn't remember drawing it. Defense questions AA never mentioned the pointy nub before. Chernoff says that the IV bag doesn't have any white substance in it today.

Chernoff asks if he could be confused about the timeline of events. AA says no. Chernoff asks if it was possible if CM asked AA to collect the vials after the 911 call after the paramedics came and before they went to hospital. AA says no. 

Defense going over AA's phonecalls and how AA went into the house. AA understood something was wrong by that time but he didn't knew if it was related to MJ. Defense goes over what AA did when he entered to the house. AA basically repeats his previous testimony. AA says he was shocked when he entered the room. Chernoff is writing AA's timeline on a easel. Jurors has a problem with reading it. Defense continues with the events, at one moment they refer back to AA's testimony from preliminary hearing. Chernoff is asking about the 911 call and putting the vials in a bag. Most of the questions are about if he yet called the 911 and how CM put the vials in the bag. Basically defense is going over AA's timeline of events.

Lunch Break


Murray Trial Day 3 

Afternoon session

Defense cross examination continued

Still discussing AA's version of events and timeline. Chernoff writing the timeline on a piece of paper. 

Chernoff questions how AA held the IV bag and got it from the stand. AA says he got it bu holding it from the top of it. AA first mentioned taking off the IV bag in August, 2009 at his second meeting with the police. He was also fingerprinted at that time.

Chernoff again asks if AA could be mistaken about his timeline. AA said no. 

AA: (looking at 911 transcript) Indicated when he placed MJ on floor according to transcript. OP says, let's get him to the floor-AA acted on that order. AA says that they got MJ on the floor while he was talking with 911 operator. AA says he put his phone on his shoulder. Chernoff plays the 911 call and AA identifies the point they got MJ on floor. 

AA: Clarifies pic he drew. He clarified that there was a box with a wire sticking out of it, NOT a needle.

Chernoff mentions media offers. AA says there have been media offers before he talked to the police August, 2009. Chernoff says AA didn't mention most of the things he said in August interview in June interview. 

Chernoff plays a video of AA at hospital. AA was waiting outside the room where MJ's body was placed after he was announced dead. Chernoff mentions there was a lot of police around and asks AA if he mentioned them about collecting the vials. AA says no. AA was interviewed by the police in the hospital. 


Bodyguards went to Carolwood , talked with the detectives. Chernoff shows pictures taken outside the house with detectives asking AA to identify people in the pictures. Again Chernoff asks if AA told the detectives about the vials then. AA says no. 

Chernoff mentions saline bag and asks if that was connected to MJ. AA says yes. Chernoff asks if it was connected to anything else, AA says no.

AA sees a report on CNN about evidence and saw detectives coming out of the house with a baby blue bag. AA heard on the news about Propofol and heard it being white. AA says that he realized that he handled those items and believed he needed to talk to the detectives. AA believed he needed to report it to the police. 

Chernoff asks about AA's work. AA says he's unable to get a continious job. AA's work history with MJ. In 2004 worked for MJ for 6 months. 2007 in Las Vegas worked for MJ for a few months. 2008 Las Vegas 2-3 months. After MJ's death AA worked with Jackson family. AA would call to check on the children. Katherine's assistant mentioned AA could become a secruity for Jacksons. This talks happened Nov 2009. AA worked for the Jacksons for a few months in 2010. Chernoff tries to ask AA what other celebrities he worked for. 

Objection. Sidebar.

Chernoff asks AA about his relationship with CM and if they were friends. Chernoff tries to ask questions about why would CM would conspire with AA to hide evidence. Objection. Sustained. 

Walgren redirect

Walgren goes over the timeline Chernoff wrote, asks AA if most of the events happened simultaneous continious events. Walgren asks questions very rapidly. Judge Pastor asks Walgren to slow down and jokes that "I see steam coming out"

Chernoff recross

Chernoff asks if AA did these events quickly. AA says he acted quickly and he's "very efficient". Laughter heard in the courtroom. 

Kai Chase (KC) Testimony

Brazil direct

KC professional chef. March 2009 was working for MJ. Her duties was to prepare food for MJ and his children. KC learned what they liked and didn't like. KC did the shopping. KC says she enjoyed working for MJ and kis kids. KC wears professional chef uniform - chef jacket and bistro apron. Her apron had 2 pockets. KC said she kept track of time because she needed to follow the food cooking and had to get food on the table on time. KC says she had her cellphone in her apron pocket and kept track of time. 

KC worked 6 days a week for MJ. KC came at 8 AM and prepared breakfast for the kids. Then prepared breakfast and juice for MJ for breakfast. MJ ate Granola, juices and vegatarian omelets. Healthy foods was very important for MJ and his kids. KC saw MJ eating with his kids. "It appeared to me that MJ had a close, loving relationship with his children and appeared to be happy around them."

mid afternoon break.

June 24. Arrived around 8:30AM. Prepared breakfast for children. Prepared MJ his beet juice which had beets, celery, apple, carrots. KC would see CM in the mornings. He would come to the kitchen. He would sometimes come to leave or sometimes would come to get MJ's juice. CM said MJ will be down shortly and MJ would like to have lunch with his children. CM then went to other part of the house. 

KC saw MJ on June 24. They talked. MJ asked about the lunch , he smiled. KC says MJ was happy because he was going to have a lunch with his children. KC prepared the same Ahi Tuna salad so that MJ could take it to rehearsal. KC prepared Tuscan White Bean soup for MJ for dinner. KC also prepared food for CM as well. KC made dinner for children. KC left at 10 PM on June 24. 

June 25. Arrived between 8:00-8:30AM. Prepared breakfast for children. The soup KC prepared the previous day was still in the refrigerator. KC started to prepare MJ's breakfast. She prepared him Granola with Almond Milk. MJ's children would notify KC when MJ would eat his food. 9:45 AM KC leaves to go to market. She cames back around 10:30. Everything seemed the same as she left when she returned. Children were playing, music was playing. KC started preparing lunch. 

MJ always had lunch at 12:30PM. There was no difference on June 25th. KC was preparing Spinach cobb salad with organic turkey breast for lunch. KC had already prepared fresh juice for MJ. CM didn't come to pick up the juice that day. 

CM came down to the kitchen from the stairs between 12:05 and 12:10. CM looked frantic. KC says CM was nervous, frantic and he was shouting. CM shouted "get help, get security, get Prince". KC stopped what she was doing and run to get Prince from the den. KC said to Prince "Hurry. Dr. Murray needs you. There might be something wrong with your father". Prince and KC went back to kitchen. Prince went to CM. KC went back to work. 

Brazil asks if CM asked her to call 911. KC says no. Brazil asks KC why she decided to get Prince. KC says Prince was in her sight and CM seemed frantic and disturbed. KC wanted to get help as soon as possible and Prince was the closest. Security is outside. Prince was closer to her. 

KC returned to work. KC saw housekeeper crying at he foyer of the house. KC approached to them and asked them what was wrong, they said something might be wrong with MJ. MJ's kids were crying and screaming. They held hands and prayed in a circle. KC then saw security and paramedics running up the stairs. KC, housekeeper and the children stayed in the foyer. Soon security asked KC and the housekeeper to leave the house and KC left. 

KC says her heart is still broken. She is devastated. KC met with detectives a few days later. Several media contacted KC asking about what happened that day. After KC gave statements to the police, KC gave interviews to several media sources. Brazil asks if she was paid any money by US media, KC says no. KC mentions interviews she has done with the foreign media. One interview was with German media about food. She was paid $1,000 for it. KC also met with a French documentary, she was paid $1,000. She took part in 5 more interviews. She was paid in total $7,000 for all the interviews. 

Brazil asked if KC ever planned to get rich from her experiences with MJ. KC says no.

Defense cross Flanagan

Defense asks if KC was at house Sunday May 10th. KC says no. KC says MJ will come down for breakfast 2 times a week around 8:30 - 9:00 AM. Other days breakfast was taken up to his room. 

When KC come in the morning the gate was closed. She press a buzzer, tells who she is and one of the security guys will come to meet her. She can't recall which security let her in on the 25th. When she comes to the house , she had to knock the kitchen door to be let in. Children or housekeeper would let her in. On June 25th MJ's kids let her in.

KC says she only had MAW's phone numbers. KC says there was no land line in the house and she didn't have any phone numbers for AA, FM, Nanny or MJ. 

Defense asks KC how far it was from the kitchen to the security trailer. KC explains the distance. 

CM came down frantic. CM yelled "go get help, go get security, go get Prince". KC thought it was emergency but did not know what kind of emergency it was. KC went into the den to get Prince. KC said " Prince Dr. Murray needs you. There might be something wrong with your father." Prince went with CM. KC went back to work. 

Flanagan asks how old was Prince. KC says 12 years old at that time. Flanagan asks why she did not get the security. She said Prince was right in front of her. She thought there was a human being she can get immediately. She says she didn't want to take the time to go out and go to the security and get them. She didn't know if the security was there or left. She didn't want to take the chance. 

Flanagan goes over says that KC saw a frantic CM and thought there was something wrong with MJ. KC says yes. Flanagan asks "He was asking for help, he was asking for security. Did you think a 12 year old child is going to be able to assist this doctor with a problem with Michael?". KC "I did what I was told and I went to get Prince". Flanagan asks if she ever saw CM again, KC says no. Flanagan asks if KC ever told CM that she would not get the security, KC says no.