
document here : https://amradaronline.files.wordpress.com/2014/09/jackson2901-signed.pdf

It's the Estate's request for a demmurrer of Safechuck's case. It does not contain Safechuck's lawsuit, but it does refer to some elements of it so we can learn from it:

- Safechuck alleges MJ molested him between 1988 and 1991.
- Safechuck admits he learnt about MJ's death shortly after he died and he was aware of his Estate. (No "I had no idea 
about the administration of the Estate" claim here as in Robson's claims.) 
- He learnt about Robson's allegations shortly after May 1, 2013. 
- Safechuck's lawyer, Maryann Marzano (same as Robson's lawyer) said in their lawsuit that she's been working on Safechuck's case 8 months before they filed in May, 2014. Which would mean she's been working on it since September, 2013. 
- He claims he did not testify in 2005 because he was concerned his mother would find out he was sexually abused by MJ. He 
claims regardless ultimately he told his mother in 2005 that MJ was a "bad man" and that he "had been abused by MJ". 
- He claims he did not initially connect various anxiety issues he suffered to the alleged abuse until mid-2013.
- He claims he became concerned about having pedophilic urges when his son was born and that he was prescribed Xanax during his wife's pregnancy in 2010. 
- He claims he did not link these anxiety issues to his alleged abuse until he saw Robson in 2013 and went into therapy on May 20, 2013, discussing the alleged abuse.


September 2015 Update

September 21, 2015 - Judge's ruling for Robson civil case demurrer - http://www.scribd.com/doc/283138843/Robson-Demurrer-Ruling

August 2015 Update

July 27, 2015 - Safechuck civil complaint - http://www.scribd.com/doc/273431049/Safechuck-Civil-Complaint

June 2015 Update

June 23, 2015 - Estate Reply to Robson Opposition http://www.scribd.com/doc/269738314/MJ-Estate-Reply-to-Robson-Opposition

June 17, 2015 - Robson Opposition to Estate demurrer http://www.scribd.com/doc/269099527/Robson-Opposition-to-Demurrer

April 2015 Update

April 10, 2015 - Robson Supplemental Statement http://radaronline.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/MJcase-signed.pdf

March 2015 Update

March 18,2015 - Safechuck Supplemental Statement - http://radaronline.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/MJ-signed.pdf

March 10, 2015 : Estate's demurrer to third amended complaint http://www.scribd.com/doc/258435718/MJ-Estate-Robson-Civil-Case-Second-Demurrer

October 2014 Update

October 1 2014 Hearing Transcript https://www.scribd.com/doc/244181549/Robson-Oct-1-2014-Hearing-Transcript

September 2014 Update

MJ Estate Reply Demurrer Doe 1 Defendant: http://www.scribd.com/doc/241210020/Robson-Estate-Reply-Doe-1-Demurrer

MJ Estate Reply Corporate Defendants: http://www.scribd.com/doc/241210019/Robson-Estate-Reply-Corporate-Demurrer

MJ Estate Safechuck Demurrer : http://radaronline.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/jackson2901-signed.pdf

July 2014

MJ Estate Demurrer Corporate Defendants : http://www.scribd.com/doc/235319852/Robson-Estate-Demurrer-Corporate-Defendants

MJ Estate Demurrer Doe1 Defendant : http://www.scribd.com/doc/235319853/Robson-Estate-Demurrer-Doe1

Case Management statement (MJ Estate) : http://www.scribd.com/doc/235319704/Robson-Case-Management-Estate

Robson Motion to compel : http://www.scribd.com/doc/235319708/Robson-Motion-to-Compel

Robson Opposition to Estate's motion to quash: http://radaronline.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/jackson-estate047_redacted.pdf

Robson 2nd Amended complaint: http://www.scribd.com/doc/235319581/Robson-Second-Amended-Complaint

Estate's objection to the late probate claim: http://radaronline.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/wadere.pdf

Robson late probate claim : http://images.eonline.com/static/news/pdf/robsonclaim.pdf

Declaration of Wade Robson : http://radaronline.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/wade-robson354b0046b.pdf



Originally posted at RadarOnline. Link here

Court documents here

The estate of Michael Jackson and lawyers for sex accuser Wade Robson, are in a legal dogfight regarding the choreographer’s request to have access to the late King of Pop’s Santa Barbara molestation criminal file, RadarOnline.com is exclusively reporting.

Robson, a dancer-choreographer who testified on behalf of Jackson in the singer's 2005  sex abuse trial, changed his tune last year, claiming that Jackson allegedly molested him for seven years when he was just seven years of age.

Robson, now 31, filed a claim with the Jackson estate asking for money—but the late singer’s legal eagles say he’s waited too long to do so!

According to Robson, when he was a boy, his sister slept in another bed just feet away at Neverland Ranch in Santa Barbara, Calif. as the singer performed sex acts on him and forced him to reciprocate.


As you might know Robson has two cases against MJ Estate, one of them is a creditor’s claim filed at probate court and second one is a civil case. Below includes updates and information about both cases.

Probate case:  Robson is asking to be allowed to file a late creditor claim (9103 motion). Estate opposed to it. Summary judgment motion is pending. Estate says if late filing of creditor claim is granted, they would likely deny the creditor’s claim and Robson said if that’s the case he would add Executors as Doe 4 and Doe 5 in his civil trial. It’s stated that the 9103 petition will be tried in court in February 2015.

Civil case: Estate has filed two demurrers (dismissal request stating there’s no legal basis for a lawsuit); both are pending with a hearing set for October 2014. Executors may file additional demurrers.

There is a scheduling issue in regards to the trial. Robson proposed the trial to start at June 2015. Estate objects to it and states it’s too early to set a trial date based on the following:

  • Probate late filing petition (9103) isn’t being tried until February 2015. Assuming late filing of creditor’s claim is denied (either by court or Estate) and Estate is added to the civil trial between February and June (2015) they won’t have enough time to respond to complaint, file demurrer, file motions, take discovery, respond to discovery and find experts.
  • Estate is also opposing to possibly dividing the case and trying defendants separately.

Robson has served several hundred interrogatories (over the limit of 35) and these requests are subject to protective order. Estate states most interrogatories are about MJ’s alleged personal and private conduct and they have no information. Robson lawyers refuse Estate’s request to meet and confer about interrogatories.


Diane Dimond reports at Daily Beast that James Safechuck has added his name to Wade Robson's case against Michael Jackson Estate. The filling is sealed but Dimond states Safechuck is claiming Michael Jackson abused him from he was 10 until he was around 15 years old.

Estate made the following statements:

Howard Weitzman -- attorney for Jackson's estate -- tells TMZ Safechuck has denied many times over the past 25 years that Michael ever did anything inappropriate to him ... but is "now demanding money from Michael's Estate by claiming he suddenly recalls life differently." Weitzman says Michael is no longer able to defend himself, but "we believe these false and scurrilous allegations will not prevail."

Attorney H.Weitzman statement to www.michaelmania.com about the last allegations: “Twenty five years after the fact and five years after Michael Jackson passed away Mr. Safechuck who has many times over the years denied Michael Jackson did anything inappropriate to him is now demanding money from Michael’s Estate by claiming he suddenly recalls life differently. His new story is that Wade Robson's nearly identical lawsuit filed a year ago by the same attorney that represents him jarred his memory to now recall certain events. Of course Michael is not here to defend himself against these scurrilous allegations. Ultimately we believe these false allegations will not prevail.”